
Whirlpool Goes Google to Foster Innovation Among Global Employees

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“Executives wanted to undertake a culture change that would encourage collaboration and innovation among employees and teams.”

Global Manufacturer Needs to be Nimble 

Whirlpool is more than 100 years old with 100,000 employees worldwide. The company, headquartered in Benton Charter Township, Michigan is the largest home appliance manufacturer in the world.

In order to keep up with the competition, Whirlpool realized it needed to become more nimble and foster innovation. Its office tools and work environment were dated. Executives wanted to undertake a culture change that would encourage collaboration and innovation among employees and teams.

Google Workspace Provides Tools That Foster Innovation

Whirlpool made many changes to drive their vision for the new work environment a reality. They implemented a work-from-anywhere policy. They switched to Google Workspace, which led to increased productivity.

They installed Chromebox for Meetings and took advantage of Google Meet, making communication easier among teams that are spread across the globe. They redesigned workspaces. In short, Whirlpool made it easier for teams to work together and innovate.

Culture Shifts to Winning Workplace

Onix was delighted to work with Whirlpool on their Google Workspace migration and deployment. To learn more about Whirlpool’s winning workplace culture and how they use Google Workspace to boost productivity and encourage teamwork, check out this video:

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