Onix Leadership Spotlights Jay Jambotkar

Onix Leadership Spotlights: Jay Jambotkar

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Personas Behind the Brand

Today’s featured leader: Jay Jambotkar

Welcome back to our leadership blog series, ‘Personas behind the brand’, featuring perspectives and insights from influential and innovative leaders across our organization!

Today, we shine the spotlight on Jay Jambotkar, Global Head of Infrastructure and Applications at Onix. 

Jay is a seasoned technology professional with experience in leading teams within services, sales, partners, and technical engineering. He has a long track record of building high-performing teams. Jay joined Onix in January 2023 after 4 years with Amazon Web Services (AWS) where he led GSI Cloud Business. Prior to AWS, Jay built the Global Cloud Practice for DXC, and spent 18 years with Microsoft. At Microsoft, Jay built several multi-hundred million-dollar businesses that included Unified Communication sales and global partnerships, O365 global partnerships, and Azure Infrastructure Cloud practice. 

Q. Given your role at Onix involves driving customer innovation for digital transformation, can you discuss how you navigate complex digital transformation challenges?

Absolutely. Digital Transformation is a journey where customers successfully reinvigorate their business to drive technology-driven transformation. As such, a successful digital transformation involves several key elements that we have adopted at Onix.

  • The foundation of any successful digital transformation is a clear understanding of the customer’s strategic goals. An ideal engagement starts by aligning with these goals so new technologies are focused on driving real business value.
  • One of the most significant challenges in digital transformation is managing change among stakeholders. Transparent communication and involvement of key stakeholders can ensure a customer-centric approach. We use data-driven as well as qualitative insights to guide our decisions in implementing new digital solutions.
  • The digital landscape is constantly evolving, so flexibility and scalability are key. We implement agile methodologies to allow for rapid iteration and adaptation. This approach enables us to respond quickly to market changes and new opportunities.
  • At Onix, we keep abreast of emerging technologies like AI, serverless, edge compute, and IoT, and integrate them into our digital transformation initiatives. The focus remains on choosing technologies with tangible benefits.
  • Finally, we rigorously measure the impact of our digital transformation. This includes tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and return on investment (ROI) to ensure that our initiatives deliver the expected outcomes.

Q. What emerging technologies or trends do you believe will have the most significant impact on the industry in the next 5 years?

Over the next five years, several pivotal technologies and trends are expected to have a significant impact on the industry:

  • AI/ML and Automation will continue to advance, providing sophisticated data analysis, enhanced automation, and more personalized customer experiences.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) will further integrate digital and physical work, improving real-time data collection and operational efficiency, particularly in sectors like manufacturing and healthcare.
  • The rollout of 5G is set to revolutionize connectivity with its high speed and low latency, facilitating advancements such as improved remote work capabilities, augmented reality, and efficient data processing.
  • Edge Computing will become increasingly important as it allows data processing closer to where it is needed, reducing latency and improving response times in critical applications.
  • Collaboration Tools will continue to advance to support distributed teams, including innovations in augmented reality for immersive remote collaboration.

Q. How do you balance pushing technological boundaries with ensuring practical and feasible solutions for clients, especially in industries with traditional infrastructures?

Balancing the pursuit of cutting-edge technology with the delivery of practical solutions that align with the client’s business objectives requires a measured approach. First we understand the client’s industry, the client’s unique challenges and the readiness for technology adoption. This helps us identify areas where advanced technology can bring improvements without disrupting core operations. We collaborate with clients, involving them in the development process, which ensures that solutions are tailored to their specific needs and constraints. We prioritize incremental implementation, introducing new technologies in stages to allow for adaptation and integration with existing systems. A phased approach with Onix’s ongoing support and education using our Change Management team helps clients transition smoothly into more advanced technological frameworks. Onix strikes a balance between innovation and practicality, ensuring that technological advancements deliver real-world benefits to our clients.

Q. Can you discuss a case where technology played a transformative role influencing broader aspects of a client’s business during a modernization project?

Absolutely. Onix is driving a multi-year project with a large manufacturing client. We helped the customer modernize a legacy application, demonstrating how digital transformation can extend beyond traditional IT boundaries and influence broader business aspects. The client had struggled with an outdated, inefficient system that hindered their production. Onix helped develop a custom, cloud-based solution that not only streamlined their operational processes but also leveraged advanced data analytics to enhance decision-making. This modernization led to a reduction in production downtime and improved inventory management, directly impacting their bottom line. The project exemplified how technology, when strategically implemented, can be a catalyst for comprehensive business transformation, extending its impact far beyond the confines of traditional IT.

Q. With your background at AWS, Microsoft, and DXC, you’ve had exposure to different organizational cultures. How do you approach building and leading a team that integrates the best aspects of these diverse corporate environments?

Drawing on my experiences, I’ve adopted the best aspects of varied corporate cultures to build and lead teams. At AWS, I learned the value of customer-centric innovation and agility; at Microsoft, the importance of collaboration and continuous learning; and at DXC, the focus on operational excellence and adaptability. In my leadership style, I emphasize an environment where innovation is not just encouraged but expected, where team members feel empowered to take initiative and experiment. I foster a culture where diverse ideas and perspectives are valued, leading to more creative solutions and a more inclusive work environment. I encourage learning and development so that the team stays abreast of industry trends and technological advancements. I aim to create a dynamic, forward-thinking team that is not only effective but also a place where members feel genuinely engaged and motivated to excel.


Q. Outside of the tech world, what’s a hobby or interest that you are truly passionate about?

I love woodworking and crafting unique furniture pieces. It’s a creative outlet to bring intricate designs to life. I also love reading across various subjects. Recently, I’ve read “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies” by Nick Bostrom, which delves into the future of artificial intelligence and its implications, and “Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari, a captivating exploration of human history and evolution. 

Q. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

I would pick Leonardo da Vinci. His unparalleled blend of artistry, science, and engineering embodies the spirit of multidisciplinary exploration and innovation. Leonardo’s pursuit of knowledge across various fields from anatomy to physics, and art to engineering make him a timeless icon of intellectual curiosity and creativity. Leonardo offers timeless lessons for us with interdisciplinary thinking, a principle highly relevant to the technology-driven change that we are leading.

That’s it from us at Onix for now! We hope you enjoyed our latest installment of Leadership Spotlights. Keep tuning in for more exciting insights, news, and views from Onix.

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