Healthcare & Life Sciences​

Accelerate drug discovery, drive innovation, and deliver better patient care​

This is a pivotal moment for healthcare institutions and life science companies, where cloud technology solutions, AI/ML, and security can transform how all players in the ecosystem work together to provide better healthcare.

At Onix, our Healthcare & Life Sciences experts have over 40 years of experience in the healthcare ecosystem and extensive partnerships to deliver world-class solutions. We’ll work with your team to identify new opportunities to support better workflows, take advantage of insights from your data, provide the highest level of security, enhance healthcare outcomes and increase business opportunities.

Who we work with

The healthcare industry is massive, complex, and poised for transformation. 
Onix can navigate this complexity and help grow revenue and increase efficiencies.


Automate your processes to improve workflows

Accelerate development by moving workloads into secure, integrated cloud-based systems designed for operational efficiency. Whether on-prem, in multiple clouds, or unsure of where everything sits today, Onix is experienced in helping customers move from data silos to securely integrated data lakes and data warehouses.

One of the most basic ways to take advantage of AI is to automate and optimize tasks and processes. For example, AI can optimize production processes, reduce downtime, and improve quality control in manufacturing. It can also automate routine tasks such as data entry and processing, fraud detection, and risk assessment in financial services.

Leverage the power of your data to gain actionable insights

Partner with healthcare and life sciences experts who can assist your organization in understanding the data with industry-leading analytics. Looking at what you have and setting up the cloud specifically for the analytic workloads is available on-demand and managed through API integrations with other systems.


Scale faster
than ever before

Evolve from merely running and supporting IT systems to driving organization growth by adopting proven industry patterns to enhance operational efficiency, stay ahead of the competition, and shorten life cycle to innovation.

Healthcare assessments

Customer stories

Meet the expert

Ron Rerko Director Healthcare Cloud Solutions

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